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Sunday 5 October 2014

Tradegedy and Farce.....the end of the BNP

The British National Party has had such a prolonged death agony that most people have got fed up of hearing about it, including me.
I have a particular reason to dislike Griffin as he expelled me in 1999 in a prelude to getting rid of all of JT's supporters on charges that I was 'an unreconstructed National Socialist' (go figure).
However I did find this epitaph to a once great party and a once times over bankrupt leader the most comprehensive I have read for some time.
It was written by Civil Liberties so it must be read with the fact that it was written by a pinkish liberalistic democratic stooge.
That aside however, it is a good summation of what really happened to the BNP.....
The tragic end of the BNP

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