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Sunday 7 September 2014

Is this some sort of joke? The 'lets pretend we're a Party NF"

I have to keep stopping myself from making a comment about the circus that is the Jaggers/Costard clique which is both fraudulently taking money from people who think they are the National Front - this is in the form of donations and subscriptions neither of which are valid and are without any doubt whatsoever - theft by fraudulent deceit.
However I could not help myself when I took my monthly glance at their 'website'.......
This is their regional organisation - I only managed to screen capture half of it but the bits missing tell the same joke....
Examine their 'Regional Contact' list below. Only two names are listed for each Region. So you would think different names or even invented names? But no, the two political retards who have put there names down as organiser and treasurer are the same people for each!
In my time having to serve under the disgraceful excuse for a Chairman, Edward Costard, (in one case a oddity called Thomas Davis - who'se he you may ask?)
I witnessed many acts of lunacy, but this map takes the biscuit! Read and enjoy!!!!!
Batman and Robin couldn't cover as much ground so Dell Boy and Mr.Bean must be better!

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