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Monday 3 March 2014


The National Front is constantly being asked what is its strategy for achieving power and building a White National racially conscious state in Britain to replace the decadent Liberal-Democratic system we are now forced to endure and which is killing our people’s hopes and dreams – has reduced us to a puppet of the New World Order and cast upon the nightmare of multi-racialism which no race in Britain wants.
The NF strategy can be described under four headings:-
AGITATE– The NF agitates constantly with leaflets, Internet outlets, stickers and posters and meetings. This agitation if designed to wake up the British public and to keep our members in a constant state of activity. The NF is a Movement not a Party like the Old Gang (and some of other nationalist groups) who follow a purely electoral path and only emerge at election times and are unseen otherwise.
Our ceaseless agitation is meant to keep us and our Movement in a constant state of activism and to project an image of a tireless Movement which is always doing something to further the Cause of White Nationalism. We are a very vibrant Movement which has had its lows and highs but as we grow again phoenix like then so will our agitation to get rid of this decadent state grow too.
ORGANISE – Nothing can be done without an efficient organisation. The NF is extremely lucky in that its ranks and especially its leadership corps if filled with ex-BNP and ex-NF (from the 1970’s) that have decades and decades of organisation experience behind them. Organisation if the KEY to success. We must out organise EVERY other political group in the country.
DEMONSTRATE – The NF believes in street demonstrations as part of our strategy to take back Britain’s streets and especially to attract White British youth to a dynamic Movement of street activism – currently they are just listless prey to alien drug pushers. We do not shy away either from marches even if this attracts Red violence against us and the inevitable ‘violence erupts at NF march’ in the ZOG media. I have been on a heck of a lot of marches especially in the 1970’s NF days. Some of them were very violent – Lewisham, Red Lion Square and Leeds in 1978 being notorious examples. NEVER did we lose one member when we fought off the Commie scum. Indeed it bonded us together as brothers and sisters in one fight! It generated masses of publicity and brought in enquiries by the bucket load. It also raised morale and attracted what we need above all – tough young activists – many who went on to dedicate their lives to the Cause. Many now march with the NF.
As we get stronger – WE ARE MARCHING AGAIN!
PROPAGATE - Never miss an opportunity to get out party literature of all kinds. A day without propagating the White Nationalist message is a day wasted. Remember too that you carry around with you a permanent weapon of propagation – your ability to speak – even if this is one to one with the British public. Strike up conversation with White people everywhere and give them the message that is in your heart. Personal contact with our people is VITAL!
Our eventual aim is to flood Great Britain with NF propaganda.

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