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Monday 7 October 2013

My reply on Stormfront to a poster saying we should accept homosexuals.

I have included the post in question and my reply.

Originally Posted by Poacher View Post

The homosexuals I have met have always been far more "politically aware" than equivalent normal folk. their sexuality has helped radicalise them.
In rejecting these people , or even threatening them with harm, we alienate them from our message and hand our enemies, our evil and well funded enemies, - a group to frighten and organise against us.

Many in our movement propagate this attitude - either through macho posturing or (often I suspect) through closet sympathy/denial. Those who protest loudest are often the most suspect!

Considering the problems that threaten our race and the biological warfare immigration is committing against our future, sexuality is the least of our concerns.

While those who control our media promote overt queers to brainwash our children. The odd discreet homosexual is no threat... they have always been there and they will always be there.

The Hollywood queers promote a bad example..... but then often you find it is pretence - for example Johnathan Ross or David Walliums.. turn out to be secretly heterosexual!

Divide and rule.
This is an argument which on moral grounds falls short of having any ideological value. What's wrong with the odd queer coming into the Movement; or the odd Jew; or the odd Sikh - seems we have been down this road already...
I personally find the idea of two men engaging in sexual deviant activities totally repulsive. This does not make me a hidden or closet queer - which is an argument that the Pink Mafia usually throw back at we 'homophobes'.
I could equally say 'Why are you making a case for accepting them? Are you in fact....". I am sure you are not but you see what I mean.
I would not feel comfortable in a meeting room knowing homosexuals are present and accepted - or for that matter lesbians. Its just bloody disgusting.
The way the law is going, I cannot reuse to serve a homosexual if I ran a shop nor refuse to accept them to book a room if I was a hotel owner. (Perhaps even this posting is illegal for saying nasty things about homosexuals - I am not advocating 'queer bashing' which is infantile and illegal under normal Common Law, but I am advocating the repeal of the Sexual Offences Act of 1967, up to which time, homosexuality was a CRIMINAL OFFENCE in the UK.)
To correct a previous poster - Martin Webster was NEVER Chairman of the National Front. He held two jobs - that of National Activities Organiser and that of Editor of National Front News.
I got on well with Webster and call me credible, but I did not suspect nor accept he was a homosexual, the idea seemed surreal.
However when the West Yorkshire NF of which I was organiser started losing valuable members to BM then I took things a lot more seriously.
Webster came to speak at a Leeds meeting and at the end of his speech he was asked by two members whether he was a homosexual.
We all expected a denial.
Quite the opposite, Webster not only admitted he was but to make matters worse, went on to attack his questioners for not realising that homosexuals had built Western civilisation - a theme he still holds true to, to this day, and has repeated to me in the odd email I get from him if he receives any bulletin attacking poofs.
When later revelations showed that he was co-habiting with the NF's National Treasurer, Michael Salt, (with whom he still lives with today),then that broke the back of the Front - the hard liners following JT into the NNF.
Webster's homosexuality was then used against him by the now racial renegade Pearce,with Griffin to oust Webster. He was sacked from his paid position.
On a deeper note - White Nationalism is the political expression of Nature. Yes homosexuality does exist in nature and in a very, very few animals other than homo sapiens. But it is an aberration for Nature's main goal is to REPRODUCE, and same gender sex makes this impossible. With the correct application of Social Darwinism, homosexuality could be eradicated as it would have been had man not interfered with Nature's hard rules - in fact, I suspect that the arrival of AIDS was one of the way's Nature started to show us we were wrong to promote homosexuality.
However, one of the main enemies of White Nationalism in Britain is from what I call the 'Pink Mafia'. The odious Peter Tatchell might be the face of 'gaydom' but the Pink Mafias tentacles reach into government, the civil service and most certainly the City of London.
Open the doors to our enemies if you like by admitting homosexuals, but accept the consequences of the slippery road which the BDP as set its face too - the oblivion now facing the BNP.
Raven 1066

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